Week 12 - Checkpoint 6 - Testing

Hi, this is the final blog discussing the building process of Blue in Town. The process has been so fun and meaningful to me, but it is about to end :D. Several players tested my game this Thursday and gave much helpful feedback on it. Therefore, in this blog, I am going to show you what I have implemented to improve some remaining bugs in the game so far.

Most of the players who tested Blue in Town this week pointed out that sometimes Blue's movement confused them a lot. As when she was currently on her way to an indicated position and the player suddenly click to drag customers to tables, she would then immediately approach the customer without completing the previous pathway. I fixed this problem by using Raycast2D that could detect the input mouse position on specific colliders. If the mouse click on customers are detected, then the condition check if Blue was allowed to move would be false. 

The same issue happened when the player clicked on the discarding buttons in Alice's and Blue's inventory. 

I also improved it with the solution mentioned above. Without the problem, the game looks much neater.

Another issue that made me notice while other testers were playing the game was the way Blue picked items up. The downside is that whenever Blue grabs a dish at a cabinet, she will not be able to take the second if keeping standing there. In other words, she has to move away from the dish, then back and pick things up again. This problem may make the game messy when being at a higher level. The way I give Blue the ability to take dishes is checking if the distance between her target and the item is close enough while she is colliding with it. Whenever Blue got an item, the condition to control the collision between two objects will twist to false to make sure that she will not pick the dish up too many times. 

Therefore, I improved the situation by adding another statement to check whether the left mouse button is clicked or not. Doing that helps to control the picking time but do not need to make the colliding condition back to false. Now, my Blue can conveniently pick two dishes up at a time.

One issue relating to customers that I received was that they could not be dropped at any empty table after the first turn left. After that, I tested the game by myself many times to catch the problem, but strangely, it worked quite well. 

As I talked in a previous post, to implement Alice's cooking process faster and easier, I manually indicated the order of ingredients she must grab. If she gets them in a wrong sequence, she will not cook anything. A comment on it was that she should not refuse to cook when items are in a different order. However, in my opinion, the cooking rules in the game are similar to how we cook in daily life. We can only fry an egg if adding some oil first and then crack it on the pan. Hence, I do not think that I need to change what I implemented so far in terms of the cooking rules (:D).

Finally, a silly mistake that I also noticed during the testing session was that Blue and Alice were overlap even they carried a non-trigger capsule collider. Eventually, I recognized that I unintentionally unchecked the layer collision between them. Now, I made the box back to the checked status.


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Oct 09, 2020